Merrimack College
Sep 27, 2019
Merrimack – Opportunity in Every Direction
Merrimack College is a private Augustinian Catholic college located just north of Boston, Mass., and is home to 3,800 undergraduate students

Fairleigh Dickinson University
Sep 26, 2019
Fairleigh Dickinson University Opens Up a World of Opportunity
Hailing from a small town in Vermont, the aspiring doctor wanted to attend a university close to New York City. Baylee found such proximity,

Bryant University
Sep 23, 2019
Bryant University—Inspired to Excel
At Bryant, continuous innovation in how we teach—and what you learn—is woven throughout your student experience. We’re creating innovative l

Adelphi University
Sep 23, 2019
Adelphi: A Uniquely Personalized Approach to Learning
Adelphi’s beautiful main campus in Garden City — just 23 miles, or less than a one-hour train ride, from New York City’s cultural and intern

SUNY Morrisville
Sep 12, 2019
Live It and Learn It at SUNY Morrisville
Located in the geographic center of New York state,with campuses in Morrisville and Norwich, SUNY Morrisville boasts a rural setting with o

Westchester Community College
Sep 5, 2019
WCC: A True Resource for Community Involvement
Westchester Community College (WCC) has grown to become more than just the county’s largest educational institution. It is a true community

Berkeley College
Sep 5, 2019
Berkeley College Offers Career-Focused Programs
Since 1931, Berkeley College has specialized in preparing students for professional and personal success. The College is comprised of the La

Fordham University
Mar 14, 2019
Fordham University: The Jesuit University of New York
A Fordham education blends a rigorous curriculum with the resources, culture, and energy of New York City — a unique combination by any meas

Centenary University
Mar 7, 2019
Centenary University Is Committed to Your Success
Choosing the right college is both an exciting and at times overwhelming process. As you begin to look at colleges you will consider such th

New York Institute of Technology
Mar 5, 2019
NYIT: Home of Generation “Maker-Doer”
Students today aren’t content with status-quo lectures and classes. They want an active, hands-on, career-focused, quality education that wi