While many colleges offer special programs for students with learning disabilities (LD) and other learning challenges, Landmark College is one of the only accredited colleges in the United States designed exclusively for students who learn differently, including students with learning disabilities (such as dyslexia), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
For almost 40 years, Landmark’s combination of research-based learning strategies and academic support has proved successful in preparing students for the rigors of college-level work. As the field of learning disabilities and differences expanded, its approach to working with students has grown more varied, but always with a constant unyielding mission to provide best practices for all.
The Landmark College Difference
Landmark College offers the same range of student services found at any college — from counseling and health services to student life and athletics. The difference at Landmark College is that these professionals — like its faculty and academic advisors — bring specific expertise in, and a passion for, working with students who learn differently.
Working together, the College helps students discover their path as confident, empowered, and independent learners. Landmark integrates innovative learning strategies into everything they do.
Academic Advising
In addition to classes, students in their first year at Landmark College participate in weekly academic advising sessions while engaged with the advising curriculum. As students progress in their coursework, they become increasingly independent and meet with their advisor less frequently. Students pursuing their bachelor’s degree work with degree specific advisors. The academic advisor is central to the system which supports individual student performance.
Centers for Academic Support
Landmark College’s Centers for Academic Support offer unparalleled support to students who learn differently, at no additional charge. The Drake Center for Academic Support is the first place students turn for help with reading, writing, and study skills. Academic support centers within individual departments offer drop-in support and one-on-one scheduled appointments with Landmark College faculty.
Counseling and Health
Counseling Services are available to provide support to students dealing with stress and other personal, social, or academic difficulties. Health Services offers support for physical issues.
Educational Technology
The office of Educational Technology Services helps students take advantage of the wide array of technologies that support the needs of students who learn differently.
Executive Function Coaching
Through the office of Coaching Services, Landmark College’s Professional Certified Coaches work with students who have a variety of learning profiles and struggle with executive functioning.
Integrated Services for Students with Autism
Students with autism who are academically prepared for college may still face significant challenges navigating the social curriculum and adjusting to the more fluid routine of the college student. Landmark College recognizes the need to provide additional programming to assist students with autism to meet their college goals. Its integrated services model for ASD support services provides a structured living and learning environment that combines an effective pedagogical approach with tailored social and other programmatic supports.
The Landmark College Library offers walk-in assistance as well as one-on-one appointments with students to assist them with their research projects and with developing information literacy. The Library building offers a welcoming space conducive to individual and small-group study, as well as resources to support students’ curricular and extra-curricular needs and interests.
Undergraduate Degrees and Curriculum
Originally founded as a two-year college, Landmark College began offering four-year degrees in 2014. The College now offers an array of baccalaureate and associate degrees, with optional minors and concentrations.
Landmark College offers a diverse selection of courses in anthropology, English, business, communications, humanities, philosophy, psychology, history, literature, math, science, foreign languages, theater, video, music, art, physical education, and other disciplines.
For all entering students, the curriculum sequence begins with skills-development courses, designed to address the key areas of writing, reading, communication and study skills. Self-management, as well as the development of self-understanding and self-advocacy, are also important parts of this first-semester curriculum.
Initial courses are offered at non-credit and credit levels. This allows students to be placed in classes where they are able to succeed, from the start. Due to rigorous academic standards, more than 50 percent of incoming students begin in non-credit courses, with most moving into credit courses after one or two semesters.
Visit Campus
Landmark College offers several Open Houses on Saturdays each semester. You can also schedule a visit with the Admissions office any week day during regular business hours by calling 802-387-6718 or emailing admisssions@landmark.edu.