The traditional “in person” college fairs have been cancelled for the Winter/Spring 2021 season. However, students can still meet with college representatives from all over the world. The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) is hosting a series of Virtual College Fairs. Regional chapters within NACAC’s membership are also hosting their own events.
The Virtual Fairs are not only for students to attend, but parents too. The Fairs give students and families an opportunity to speak directly with admissions officers and representatives at the schools of their choice.
Visit virtualcollegefairs.org
Each NACAC Virtual College Fair will feature up to 600 colleges from within the United States and abroad. Students can view a list of college exhibitors for each event by clicking the tile for their desired fair date. Students will be able to search by school name or search by state and/or by major. Students can view all schools and sort alphabetically ... just like attending an “in person”fair.
If students see a school they like, they can add it to their favorites.
Live Zoom Sessions
Students will be able to attend multiple Zoom sessions within each Virtual College Fair. There are more than 100 Zoom sessions available at each event. Students should review the list of sessions BEFORE the day of the event so they can be prepared. Be sure to register for the sessions you like as some may fill up quickly.
Students can view a list of sessions by start time and click the “Remind Me” button (You’ll get a text reminder.) When the session is starting you will see a “Join” button to let you in.
What Else Can I Do at the Virtual College Fair
Schedule a one-on-one meeting. College reps are eager to meet and speak directly with students and parents. Often, the best way to learn more about a college is a live conversation with an admissions representative who works at the school. A one-on-one conversation is also a great time to ask specific questions about academics, campus life, sports programs, internships, etc.
Watch a Video. If students wish to learn more about a school, they can view a video or take a virtual tour of the campus. Obviously, this can be done before or after the Virtual College Fair.
Get Advice. On the day of the Virtual College Fair, students can click the blue chat button and be connected to a college advising expert from NACAC
NACAC Meet Up. There are helpful Zoom sessions hosted by NACAC to help you navigate the Virtual Fair and provide general information on topics such as financial aid and scholarships.
The greatest advantage to the Virtual College Fairs is being able to visit with so many college representatives on one day without leaving home. The Virtual College Fair is a great way for students to listen, connect and ask questions.
The Virtual College Fair is free to high school students, parents and anyone else interested in higher education.
The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) is sponsor of these and other College Fairs throughout the country. Based in Alexandria, Va., it serves high school guidance counselors and college admissions officers who assist students with the transition to higher education. Its more than 9,000 members are colleges and universities, high schools, associations and organizations, and individuals whose institutions belong to NACAC.
NACAC establishes and promotes high ethical standards for the counseling professions, answers questions on financial aid, students’ rights in the admissions process, ethics and legal decisions affecting admissions and sponsors research pertinent to the counseling profession. Visit NACAC’s Web site at nacacnet.org.
PRO TIP: Click the “Remind Me” button whenever you see a Zoom session that will be offered by a college that interests you. The reminder will get added to your “My Schedule” tab and you will receive a text when the session is about to start. You must click the “Join” button to enter the session.
NACAC Virtual College Fairs Dates and Times
www.virtualcollegefairs.org for all students
February 28: 1 – 7 p.m. ET
March 7: 1 – 5 p.m. ET (STEM)
March 16: 4 – 8 p.m. ET (Performing & Visual Arts)
March 21: 1 – 7 p.m. ET
May 2: 1 – 7 p.m. ET
Keystone Virtual College Fairs
www.pacac.org for Pennsylvania students
March 22 and 23: 5 – 7:45 p.m. ET
April 12 and 13: 5 – 7:45 p.m. ET
June 7 and 8: 5 – 7:45 p.m. ET
NYSACAC Virtual College Fair
www.nysacac.org (click on community outreach) for New York Students
March 3: 12 – 3 p.m. ET (Transfer Students Fair)
May 15: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. ET (First-Year Students Fair)