With supportive faculty and opportunities to excel, Ursuline College students find professional success.
Ursuline College in suburban Cleveland equips students for success in their future careers by providing leadership opportunities, close mentoring, and an environment that young women find physically, socially and emotionally comfortable.
Rachel, Hannah and Euneata are living proof of this.
A recent Nursing graduate, Rachel Jalowiec was able to publish her research in a national nursing journal while she was still an undergraduate — a rare and impressive accomplishment.
“I chose Ursuline because there is truly no better place to obtain a nursing degree. The faculty is nothing short of amazing and the small class sizes allow your instructors to know you on a more personal level,” said Rachel, now a registered nurse in a busy Cleveland hospital.
Her former teachers certainly did get to know her. “Rachel was an outstanding student who consistently applied herself to her studies but also looked for opportunities beyond the classroom to learn and grow,” said Dr. Patricia A. Sharpnack, dean of Ursuline’s Breen School of Nursing. “She was president of the Student Nurses Association, captain of her sports team, and served as a student representative to the nursing faculty meetings.”
Hannah Barucky majored in Fashion Design, yet had very similar experiences at Ursuline.
“The faculty at Ursuline really empower us and make sure that we’re able to go into careers with everything we could possibly need,” Hannah said. She is particularly grateful for the three “amazing” internships she had while a student at Ursuline.
“First, I organized the annual Work Wear Fashion Show, which demonstrates for students what is appropriate to wear in various professional settings. Then I interned with a web series called Star Trek Continues, where I was the assistant to the costume designer. I also interned with a costume house in Atlanta called God Save the Queen, where I created garments for productions that were filming there. They offered me a full-time job after graduation,” Hannah said.
Like Rachel and Hannah, Euneata Walker dove into life at Ursuline. She liked the College for its unique undergraduate Art Therapy program, but that wasn’t everything. “Other things that attracted me to the school were the sense of community and the attention to community service and social justice here. So I was right at home,” said Euneata, now a senior.
She has worked as an art gallery assistant, led the campus art therapy group, and had a summer internship with the Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism. “I had the wonderful opportunity of working with children with autism, implementing treatment plans and really just giving them that individual attention they need to grow and develop strong social and cognitive skills.”
Beyond that, Euneata loves feeling welcome at Ursuline. ”There is such a high-level focus on women’s studies and teaching from the perspective of women. I feel that I’m represented here and that I’m given a voice. That was very special for me, coming here, and I’m very thankful for it.”